These websites can be references for your design ideas
From & input
- react-hook-form
- Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.
https://github.com/react-hook-form/react-hook-form (opens in a new tab)
- Formik
- Formik is the world's most popular open source form library for React and React Native.
https://formik.org/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-ts-form
- Build maintainable, typesafe forms faster ππ¨
https://github.com/iway1/react-ts-form (opens in a new tab)
- react-zorm
- Zorm - Type-safe 'form' for React using Zod.
https://github.com/esamattis/react-zorm (opens in a new tab)
- react-querybuilder
- The Query Builder Component for React.
https://react-querybuilder.js.org/ (opens in a new tab)
- @formity/react
- Build The Most Powerful Forms, Without The Hassle.
https://www.formity.app/docs (opens in a new tab)
- High performance subscription-based form state management for React.
https://final-form.org/react/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-jsonschema-form
- A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema.
https://github.com/rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form (opens in a new tab)
- react-select-datepicker
- A simple and reusable dropdown datepicker component for React.
https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-select-datepicker (opens in a new tab)
- schedule-x
- JavaScript event calendar. Modern alternative to fullcalendar and react-big-calendar.
https://github.com/schedule-x/schedule-x (opens in a new tab)
- react-timezone-select
- π An extremely usable and dynamic React timezone selector.
https://github.com/ndom91/react-timezone-select (opens in a new tab)
- react-prosemirror
- A fully featured library for safely integrating ProseMirror and React.
https://github.com/nytimes/react-prosemirror (opens in a new tab)
- react-google-autocomplete
- React components for google places API.
https://github.com/ErrorPro/react-google-autocomplete (opens in a new tab)
- react-flag-kit
- FlagKit for React.
https://github.com/umidbekk/react-flag-kit (opens in a new tab)
- react-ranger
- Hooks for building range and multi-range sliders in React.
https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-ranger (opens in a new tab)
- react-grid-table
- A modular table, based on a CSS grid layout, optimized for customization.
https://github.com/NadavShaar/react-grid-table (opens in a new tab)
- react-simple-star-rating
- A simple react component for adding a star rating to your project.
https://github.com/awran5/react-simple-star-rating (opens in a new tab)
- verbum
- Verbum is a fully flexible text editor based on lexical framework.
https://github.com/ozanyurtsever/verbum (opens in a new tab)
- react-terminal-ui
- A terminal react component with support for light and dark modes.
https://github.com/jonmbake/react-terminal-ui (opens in a new tab)
- react-spreadsheet-grid
- An Excel-like grid component for React with custom cell editors, performant scroll & resizable columns.
https://github.com/denisraslov/react-spreadsheet-grid (opens in a new tab)
- emoji-mart
- πͺ One component to pick them all.
https://github.com/missive/emoji-mart (opens in a new tab)
- ka-table
- Lightweight MIT React Table component with Sorting, Filtering, Grouping, Virtualization, Editing and many more.
https://github.com/komarovalexander/ka-table (opens in a new tab)
- mantine-datatable
- A table component for your Mantine data-rich applications.
https://github.com/icflorescu/mantine-datatable (opens in a new tab)
- Fixed Data Table 2
- FixedDataTable is a React component for building and presenting data in a flexible, powerful way.
https://schrodinger.github.io/fixed-data-table-2/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-search-box
- π¨ An autocomplete search box built with and for React.
https://github.com/ghoshnirmalya/react-search-box (opens in a new tab)
- fortune-sheet
- A drop-in javascript spreadsheet library that provides rich features like Excel and Google Sheets.
https://github.com/ruilisi/fortune-sheet (opens in a new tab)
- markdoc
- A powerful, flexible, Markdown-based authoring framework.
https://github.com/markdoc/markdoc (opens in a new tab)
- starlight
- Make your docs shine with Starlight
https://starlight.astro.build/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-markdown
- Markdown component for React
https://github.com/remarkjs/react-markdown (opens in a new tab)
- mdx-editor
- A rich text editor React component for markdown
https://github.com/mdx-editor/editor (opens in a new tab)
- react-simple-keyboard
- React Virtual Keyboard - Customizable, responsive and lightweight
https://github.com/hodgef/react-simple-keyboard (opens in a new tab)
- virtual-keyboard
- The modern virtual keyboard for React.
https://virtual-keyboard.js.org/react/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-qrcode-logo
- React + Typescript component to generate a QR Code with custom colors and logo.
https://github.com/gcoro/react-qrcode-logo (opens in a new tab)
- react-use-exceljs
- A thin wrapper around the exceljs package that uses file-saver for generating excel files.
https://github.com/dadamssg/react-use-exceljs (opens in a new tab)
- react-signature-pad-wrapper
- A React wrapper for signature pad.
https://github.com/michaeldzjap/react-signature-pad-wrapper (opens in a new tab)
- react-multivalue-text-input
- An analog clock for your React app.
https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-multivalue-text-input (opens in a new tab)
- react-clock
- A text input component for React which maintains and displays a collection of entered values as an array of strings.
https://github.com/wojtekmaj/react-clock (opens in a new tab)
- react-hcaptcha
- hCaptcha Component Library for ReactJS and Preact.
https://github.com/hCaptcha/react-hcaptcha (opens in a new tab)
- react-math-keyboard
- A customizable math keyboard for React.
https://github.com/krirkrirk/react-math-keyboard (opens in a new tab)
- react-day-picker
- DayPicker is a customizable date picker component for React, with native TypeScript support.
https://github.com/gpbl/react-day-picker (opens in a new tab)
- tagify
- π lightweight, efficient Tags input component in Vanilla JS / React / Angular / Vue.
https://github.com/yairEO/tagify (opens in a new tab)
- react-hcaptcha
- hCaptcha Component Library for ReactJS and Preact.
https://github.com/hCaptcha/react-hcaptcha (opens in a new tab)
- react-tag-autocomplete
- βοΈ A simple, accessible, tagging component ready to drop into your React projects.
https://github.com/i-like-robots/react-tag-autocomplete (opens in a new tab)
- @doist/typist
- The mighty Tiptap-based rich-text editor that powers Doist products.
https://github.com/Doist/typist (opens in a new tab)
- plate
- The rich-text editor for React.
https://github.com/udecode/plate (opens in a new tab)
Loading / Progress
- react-lazyload
- Lazy load your component, image or anything matters the performance.
https://github.com/twobin/react-lazyload (opens in a new tab)
- react-lazy-load
- React component that renders children elements when they enter the viewport.
https://github.com/loktar00/react-lazy-load (opens in a new tab)
- react-list
- π A versatile infinite scroll React component.
https://github.com/caseywebdev/react-list (opens in a new tab)
- react-lazy-load-image-component
- React Component to lazy load images and components using a HOC to track window scroll position.
https://github.com/Aljullu/react-lazy-load-image-component (opens in a new tab)
- TanStack Virtual
- Headless UI for Virtualizing Large Element Lists.
https://tanstack.com/virtual/v3 (opens in a new tab)
- react-window
- React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.
https://github.com/bvaughn/react-window (opens in a new tab)
- react-virtualized
- React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.
https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized (opens in a new tab)
Data related
- tinybas
- The reactive data store for localβfirst apps.
https://github.com/tinyplex/tinybase (opens in a new tab)
Code related
- react-textarea-code-editor
- A simple code editor with syntax highlighting.
https://github.com/uiwjs/react-textarea-code-editor (opens in a new tab)
- react-monaco-editor
- Monaco Editor for React.
https://github.com/react-monaco-editor/react-monaco-editor (opens in a new tab)
- react-simple-code-editor
- Simple no-frills code editor with syntax highlighting.
https://github.com/satya164/react-simple-code-editor (opens in a new tab)
- Internationalized
- A collection of framework-agnostic internationalization libraries for the web.
https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/internationalized/index.html (opens in a new tab)
- sandpack
- A component toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences, using the power of CodeSandbox.
https://github.com/codesandbox/sandpack (opens in a new tab)
- bright
- React Server Component for syntax highlighting.
https://github.com/code-hike/bright (opens in a new tab)
- sugar-high
- Super lightweight syntax highlighter for JSX, 1KB after minified and gizpped.
https://sugar-high.vercel.app/ (opens in a new tab)
- liveblocks
- making it easy to convert an existing application into a realβtime collaborative experience.
https://liveblocks.io/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-paypal-js
- React components for the PayPal JS SDK.
https://github.com/paypal/react-paypal-js (opens in a new tab)
- React Stripe.js
- React components for Stripe.js and Stripe Elements.
https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js/react (opens in a new tab)
- react-payment-inputs
- A React Hook & Container to help with payment card input fields.
https://github.com/medipass/react-payment-inputs (opens in a new tab)
- stats.js
- This class provides a simple info box that will help you monitor your code performance.
- @use-gesture/react
- Bread n butter utility for component-tied mouse/touch gestures in React and Vanilla Javascript.
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@use-gesture/react (opens in a new tab)
Documents format
- react-pdf
- React renderer for creating PDF files on the browser and server.
https://github.com/diegomura/react-pdf (opens in a new tab)
- pdfslick
- View and Interact with PDFs in React, SolidJS, Svelte and JavaScript apps.
https://github.com/pdfslick/pdfslick (opens in a new tab)
- react-print-pdf
- Build and generate PDF using React π UI kit for PDFs and print documents.
https://github.com/OnedocLabs/react-print-pdf (opens in a new tab)
- jscanify
- jscanify is an open-source pure Javascript implemented mobile document scanner designed to run in any Javascript environment for free.
https://colonelparrot.github.io/jscanify/ (opens in a new tab)
- wax
- JSX-compatible renderer for the Web Audio API.
https://github.com/jamesseanwright/wax (opens in a new tab)
- useAudioPlayer
- Custom React hook & context for controlling browser audio.
https://github.com/E-Kuerschner/useAudioPlayer (opens in a new tab)
- Play audio in the browser with simple declarative components. Treat music as a function of state.
https://reactronica.com/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-modern-audio-player
- π Simple, accessible and flexible audio player.
https://github.com/slash9494/react-modern-audio-player (opens in a new tab)
- chonky
- A File Browser for React
https://chonky.io/ (opens in a new tab)
- uppy
- Sleek, modular open source JavaScript file uploader.
https://uppy.io/ (opens in a new tab)
- filepond
- Upload anything, from anywhere.
https://pqina.nl/filepond/ (opens in a new tab)
- react-webcam
- Webcam component for React.
https://github.com/mozmorris/react-webcam (opens in a new tab)
Images / Video
- react-jimp
- Easy image manipulation component for React. JIMP's React implementation.
https://github.com/AykutSarac/react-jimp (opens in a new tab)
- @toast-ui/react-image-editor
- Full-featured photo image editor using canvas. It is really easy, and it comes with great filters.
https://github.com/nhn/tui.image-editor (opens in a new tab)
- react-avatar-editor
- Small avatar & profile picture component. Resize and crop uploaded images using a intuitive user interface.
https://github.com/mosch/react-avatar-editor (opens in a new tab)
- remotion
- π₯ Create videos programmatically in React.
https://github.com/remotion-dev/remotion (opens in a new tab)
- react-player
- A React component for playing a variety of URLs.
https://github.com/cookpete/react-player (opens in a new tab)
- satori
- Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG.
https://github.com/vercel/satori (opens in a new tab)
- react-document-picture-in-picture
- Feature-packed and optimised React component for Chrome's new Document Picture-in-Picture API.
https://github.com/martinshaw/react-document-picture-in-picture (opens in a new tab)
- Unpic
- Set of tools for working with images on the web.
https://unpic.pics/img/react/ (opens in a new tab)
Chat bot
- urban-bot
- The universal chatbot library based on React.
https://github.com/urban-bot/urban-bot (opens in a new tab)
- react-intl
- Internationalize your web apps on the client & server.
https://formatjs.io/ (opens in a new tab)
Others Utilis
- click-to-component
- Option+Click React components in your browser to instantly open the source in VS Code.
https://github.com/ericclemmons/click-to-component (opens in a new tab)
- react-paginate
- A ReactJS component that creates a pagination.
https://github.com/AdeleD/react-paginate (opens in a new tab)
- react-virtual
- Hooks for virtualizing scrollable elements in React.
https://github.com/TanStack/react-virtual (opens in a new tab)
- leva
- React-first components GUI.
https://github.com/pmndrs/leva (opens in a new tab)
- html-react-parser
- π HTML to React parser.
https://github.com/remarkablemark/html-react-parser (opens in a new tab)
- react-styleguidist
- Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide.
https://github.com/styleguidist/react-styleguidist (opens in a new tab)
- use-resize-observer
- A React hook that allows you to use a ResizeObserver to measure an element's size.
https://github.com/ZeeCoder/use-resize-observer (opens in a new tab)
- next-translate
- Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js π - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!
https://github.com/aralroca/next-translate (opens in a new tab)
Mailing services
- mailing
- Build, test, send emails with React.
https://github.com/successor-software/mailing (opens in a new tab)
- easy-email
- React.js Drag-and-Drop Email Editor based on MJML.
https://github.com/zalify/easy-email (opens in a new tab)
CSS utilis
- Classnames
- A simple JavaScript utility for conditionally joining classNames together.
https://github.com/JedWatson/classnames (opens in a new tab)
- Dripsy
- Unstyled, responsive UI primitives for React Native + Web.
https://www.dripsy.xyz/ (opens in a new tab)
- @emotion/react
- CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition.
https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion (opens in a new tab)
- panda-css
- CSS-in-JS with build time generated styles, RSC compatible, multi-variant support, and best-in-class developer experience.
https://panda-css.com/ (opens in a new tab)
Social networking
- Embed tweets in your React application.
https://github.com/vercel/react-tweet (opens in a new tab)
- usehooks-ts
- A React hooks library, ready to use, written in typescript.
https://usehooks-ts.com/ (opens in a new tab)
- @uidotdev/usehooks
- A collection of modern, server-safe React hooks β from the ui.dev team.
https://usehooks.com/ (opens in a new tab)
- beautiful-react-hooks
- π₯ A collection of beautiful and (hopefully) useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development π₯
https://github.com/antonioru/beautiful-react-hooks (opens in a new tab)
AI / ML / DL
- Vercel AI SDK
- An open source library for building AI-powered user interfaces.
https://sdk.vercel.ai/docs (opens in a new tab)
- transformers.js
- transformers.js react tutorial.
https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers.js/tutorials/react (opens in a new tab)
- react-router-dom
- React Router side routing".
https://reactrouter.com/en/main (opens in a new tab)
- TanStack Router
- Modern and scalable routing for React applications.
https://tanstack.com/router/latest (opens in a new tab)